Make a personal impact in the lives of the people we work alongside
We all have a place we call home. We have a history there—whether long or short—and we have friends and special connections there. We know our neighborhoods like the back of our hands—which street the best local bookshop is on, what visitors just have to try on the menu of our favorite lunch spot, the bus stops, the shortcuts—everything that makes our home uniquely ours.
And for all that our home is ours, we understand that it belongs just as much to our neighbors, and together we all share a vision for our community being safe, comfortable, and welcoming to all. As a supporter of Everyone Home DC, we know that you share this vision for our city’s future and are dedicated to the work it takes to make that vision a reality by providing resources and supportive services for those at risk of or experiencing homelessness. It is your gift this holiday season to Everyone Home DC that ensures all people in our city have access to services and programs that connect them with supportive networks and make positive gains in their lives.
Throughout 2024, Everyone Home DC has witnessed many changes that threaten this vision of the future for the city. From 2023 to 2024, homelessness rose by 14%. Budget cuts have stripped away government resources that many families and individuals count on to stabilize their housing situations—this includes over 1,000 families being exited from the city’s Rapid Rehousing program this upcoming year. The Supreme Court upheld a decision in the Johnson vs. Grants Pass case that will make it easier for cities nationwide to criminalize homelessness. Even the DC Public Library announced changes that will prevent people from sleeping outside their property and reduce the number of computers and charging stations available for common use, turning a former safe harbor of public space into one that is restricted and policed unnecessarily. All of these changes, rather than reinforcing what we know to be true—that housing is the solution to homelessness—create an environment that puts people lacking secure housing more and more at risk.
But we do not have to stand for it.
Everyone Home DC sees so much hope and potential for a future where our city can be home to anyone who chooses it, especially for those who have been strategically undervalued in our city for far too long. Though we will be seeing significant cuts to government funding, which is often already restricted in how it may be used, it is YOUR flexible support that can make a personal impact in the lives of the people we work alongside, people just like Steven.
Everyone Home DC recently worked with Steven* to ensure that what mattered to him—finding a place to live near his place of work—was kept as a top priority during his search for housing. Having a home that makes our commute easier is something we all hope for, after all. When Steven found a building to suit his needs, the Permanent Supportive Housing team was able to advocate for him and negotiate for a unit that would be the perfect fit—a comfortable home. Once he moved in, the team was able to ensure he had a variety of home essentials available to make his transition to this new space a smooth one: everything from furniture to cleaning supplies to cookware. Everyone Home DC was also able to purchase a larger mattress for him that would be the right size to accommodate the medical equipment Steven uses as he sleeps. Today, Steven has pride in his new home, which is uniquely set up to support him as he navigates new opportunities, experiences, and goals.
Your personally meaningful gift will allow Everyone Home DC the flexibility to move forward in 2025 providing a wide range of unique necessities for the people we work with. It will allow us to continue to provide resources that people count on throughout their day-to-day lives, like those found at our drop-in Day Center, Shirley’s Place. For three years while John* slept outside, he visited the Day Center every day to grab a nutritious meal, shower, and wash his clothes while he slept outdoors. Having a safe space where he could attend to basic needs provided John with a stable foundation from which he could pursue housing—and this fall, his apartment in Northwest was officially approved. Heading into this holiday season, John is proud to have a place to call home.
When people come together to support one another, any neighborhood, any community, any city can thrive and be a true home. Everyone Home DC cannot wait to share the stories that this upcoming year will tell—stories that YOU are helping us write. The work Everyone Home DC accomplishes each day cannot be done without you, the people who share DC as home, and have incredible hope for its future. In the spirit of the season, please make your urgently needed, year-end, tax-deductible gift today to ensure Everyone Home DC can continue to take steps towards that future where everyone in the city has a safe, comfortable, affordable home to call their own.
Thank you in advance for your consistent generosity and love that you show to Everyone Home DC every day as one of our most valued neighbors.