Drop-in Day Center

In 2024, Everyone Home DC’s drop-in Day Center provided nearly 1,000 individuals with nearly 10,000 nutritious meals.

As well as nearly 1,000 loads of laundry, 1,100 showers, and 1,500 emergency food, clothing, transportation, prescription, identification, voucher, and rental assistance services.

Drop-In Day Center | Shirley’s Place

Shirley’s Place, Everyone Home DC’s drop-in day center, offers people experiencing homelessness a safe and dignified place to spend their day off of the street. Shirley’s Place provides access to showers, laundry, restrooms, mail service, phones, computers, lunch, and social service referrals. Shirley’s Place relies on the assistance of our compassionate and energetic volunteers to operate at maximum capacity. Learn more about sharing your time and resources with Everyone Home DC as a volunteer or by giving in-kind donations.

Shirley’s Place is located at:

1338 G Street, SE Washington, D.C., 20003
Hours: Monday-Wednesday 8:00 am-3:00 pm, Thursday 8:00 am-12:00 pm
Phone: 202-544-3150