Everyone Home DC Responds to the Release of the 2019 Point-in-Time Count

Everyone Home DC’s Executive Director Karen Cunningham released the following statement in response to the 2019 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count of Persons Experiencing Homelessness.

“Every person has the right to a safe, affordable, and comfortable home. We are happy to see that family homelessness decreased by 11.8 percent and individuals experiencing chronic homelessness* decreased by 13.3 percent in Washington DC in 2018–reflecting the impact of the District’s prioritization of individuals and families living in the most vulnerable of living situations.

The 2019 Point-in-Time report confirms that more individuals and families are being afforded the right to a safe, affordable, and comfortable home through the coordinated actions of service providers, advocates, and policy makers.

At Everyone Home DC, we are proud of our contribution to this trend.

  • Last year, we provided homelessness prevention services to nearly 800 families.
  • And, through our Street Outreach program we helped 11 chronically homeless individuals move into their own homes.

But as the report concludes, there is more we must do to ensure no individual experiences the trauma of homelessness. There is a critical need for an increased supply of affordable housing, greater support for the delivery of wrap-around services, and dedicated efforts to decrease the disparity between income and housing costs in the District.  

To accomplish this, we call for the DC Council to act with urgency and fully fund the asks of The Way Home Campaign so more individuals can move from our city’s streets and shelters into safe, affordable, and comfortable homes.”

The PIT report notes homelessness prevention programs and permanent housing solutions as key drivers in the reduction of homelessness. Everyone Home DC is one of four organizations selected to run a family homelessness prevention program with the goal of helping families avoid a shelter stay, when possible, by stabilizing their housing in the community. In 2018, 94 percent of the families working with Everyone Home DC’s homelessness prevention program were diverted from a shelter stay.

The annual PIT report provides a one-night “snapshot” of the number of individuals and families staying either in shelter, temporary housing, or on the street within nine metropolitan area jurisdictions, which is essential information for policymakers and funder.  The complete report is available at mwcog.org/documents/homelessnessreport/.

*People who are chronically homeless have experienced homelessness for at least a year – or repeatedly – while struggling with a disabling condition such as a serious mental illness, substance use disorder, or physical disability.

Everyone Home DC Annual Spring Social Success!

On Tuesday, April 30,  Everyone Home DC celebrated its Annual Spring Social at the historic Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital. Gathering with around 100 friends—old and new—those in attendance reflected on and shared stories of the organization’s vibrant history, celebrated this exciting moment in time, AND recommitted themselves to the work that must done every day to achieve Everyone Home DC’s vision of the District of Columbia as a thriving and diverse community where ALL people can obtain and remain in safe affordable, and comfortable homes.

The evening also went on to honor Nicky Cymrot with the Ruth Rappaport Wisdom Award. The annual award recognizes an individual who has displayed remarkable warmth, wisdom, and service to Everyone Home DC and the Capitol Hill neighborhood and who inspires us with their leadership and spirited joy of life and community. As Councilmember Charles Allen so perfectly said in his introductory remarks for the award ceremony, “Nicky is the best of us and an inspiration to all.”

It is the responsibility of each of us to end homelessness is Washington, D.C. and to build the welcoming and inclusive community our founders believed is possible. Executive Director Karen Cunningham shared, “Under our new name, we promise to communicate with you more regularly so you know what we are doing to end homelessness and create a more equitable city, how you can get involved, and the difference we make together. Thank you again for your support as we step into our future as Everyone Home DC!”

View photos from the evening on Everyone Home DC’s Facebook page. If you have any questions or want to discuss was to grow your partnership with Everyone Home DC, contact Kate Akalonu at akalonu@everyonehomedc.org.

Exciting News: CHGM is now Everyone Home DC

Dear Friends,

According to DC’s 2018 Point in Time homelessness count, there are approximately 7,000 of our neighboring families and fellow residents experiencing homelessness on any given night. Some may see this as a welcome decrease from the prior year—and I’m proud of our efforts that contributed to securing homes for many people in 2018—but our work is far from complete.

In fact, I’d say we’re just getting started.

For more than 50 years, Capitol Hill Group Ministry has partnered with people experiencing homelessness, and we’ve partnered with caring neighbors, fellow advocates, and city officials to end homelessness in the District. However, much has changed since our founding by a coalition of churches on Capitol Hill 50 years ago. In this milestone of our 50th anniversary, it was time to adopt a name that was truer to our mission, more reflective of our community, and more in line with our vision for our city as a thriving and diverse community, where all people can obtain and remain in safe, affordable, and comfortable homes.

And so, I am proud to announce that today, Capitol Hill Group Ministry becomes Everyone Home DC.

Our new name is a name and a mission statement in one. It is more welcoming of the diverse range of supporters it will take to achieve our vision and it gives our work a clear and recognizable descriptor. And one need not look further than our wide-ranging efforts in 2018 to see that our services and solutions reach far beyond the Capitol Hill community.

Our new name, however, will not impact our purpose, our programs, nor our special relationships with faith communities and Capitol Hill area partners. Our focused commitment continues, with a rigorous set of solutions for families and individuals experiencing homelessness in the Capitol Hill area and beyond.

The reality is, we’ve known a new name was needed for the past several years. So, about a year ago, with the support of our extended network, we began reflecting on the words we use to describe our beliefs, values, and impact. We refined our vision, mission, and strategic priorities, and then began considering how we communicate externally. Our process included conversations with staff, board, community members, and faith leaders, to ensure that our story was authentic and anchored by our core values and beliefs.

  • The New Name: Our new name – Everyone Home DC – gives our work a clear and recognizable descriptor, something we did not have previously. And it reduces the confusion that many people had about our previous name. Our services and solutions are no longer limited to the Capitol Hill community, and while we maintain strong alliances with DC’s faith community, we are not a religiously-affiliated organization.
  • Our New Logo and Visual Identity: Our new logo incorporates warm colors and connected row homes—an iconic DC visual that represents our unwavering commitment to this community. The gradient of a rising sun represents hope, optimism, and our belief in the self-determination and resilience of all people. We often heard that our prior mark felt dated and traditional—not at all like the work we do every day. The main focus of our rebrand, which includes a new website (everyonehomedc.org), was to bring clarity and connectivity to our work, and to help our current and future partners and colleagues better understand our work and our mission to end homelessness.

We are proud of the new brand we’ve built together at Everyone Home DC. We believe it’s a powerful reflection of who we are and what we stand for—something we’ve long known but not always expressed with such clarity.

We invite you to learn more and join us in this next phase of our journey. As I said above, we’re just getting started, and I look forward to all that we’ll be able to achieve, together.

In the spirit of service,

Karen E. Cunningham
Executive Director

Everyone Home DC Receives Anniversary Ceremonial Resolution from DC Council

On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, Everyone Home DC, formerly known as Capitol Hill Group Ministry, received the honor of a DC Council Ceremonial Resolution for its 50 years of service in support of individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness in the District. Everyone Home DC feels so much gratitude to Councilmember Elissa Silverman and Councilmember Charles Allen for introducing & the entire DC Council for supporting. Many Everyone Home DC staff and supporters were in attendance to witness the ceremony. Everyone Home DC Executive Director, Karen Cunningham, shared these remarks with those in attendance:

On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, Everyone Home DC, formerly known as Capitol Hill Group Ministry, received the honor of a DC Council Ceremonial Resolution for its 50 years of service in support of individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness in the District. Everyone Home DC feels so much gratitude to Councilmember Elissa Silverman and Councilmember Charles Allen for introducing & the entire DC Council for supporting. Many Everyone Home DC staff and supporters were in attendance to witness the ceremony. Everyone Home DC Executive Director, Karen Cunningham, shared these remarks with those in attendance:

“This is such a wonderful honor. Thank you to Councilmembers Silverman and Allen for introducing this resolution and the rest of the Council for supporting it. Thanks also to Pat Joseph who helped coordinate with us even before the resolution was introduced. It is really special to have CHGM’s 50 years of service to the District recognized in this way.

I’d also like to thank all the past and present staff and board members of CHGM, and the dedicated volunteers, donors, and in-kind supporters who have been essential to our ability to advance our mission. Most importantly, I’d like to acknowledge our clients–the strong and resilient individuals and families who teach us and motivate us every day. It is the people associated with CHGM that make us great.

Capitol Hill Group Ministry was founded in 1967 by Capitol Hill churches concerned about issues of racial and economic inequality and development that threatened to divide the community along racial lines and leave longtime residents behind. Their leadership and commitment to racial and economic justice inspires us as we continue to grapple with similar issues.

Today, Capitol Hill Group Ministry strives to realize our vision of the District of Columbia as a thriving and diverse community where all people can obtain and remain in safe, affordable, and comfortable homes.

We are challenged by the boom in the District’s population and economy that has been accompanied by a dearth of affordable housing and makes CHGM’s services needed more than ever. So this morning, we not only celebrate our 50 years of service, but also recommit ourselves to the work ahead. Thank you!”

Read the full Ceremonial Resolution here.

YOU are a Part of Mary and Tracy’s Story

At Everyone Home DC, we know housing is the solution to ending homelessness AND we understand it is not sufficient for long-term success. Families transitioning out of homelessness need resources beyond decent affordable housing to thrive: food, education, employment, parenting supports, children’s services, transportation, health and mental health care.

Families just like Mary and Tracy’s.

Mary grew up in Mississippi, where she experienced the trauma of parental abuse and lacked strong family attachments. When she was a young adult, an aunt moved Mary to the D.C. region hoping that she would find solace and success in a new environment.

With limited education and work experience, Mary was dependent on her aunt. When her aunt passed away, Mary found herself struggling to care for her family alone. She moved her family into emergency shelter after exhausting all other options. Stressed by her circumstances, Mary experienced depression and anxiety and used substances to self-medicate. Her addiction resulted in Tracy being removed from her care. Mary was tired and longed for change.

For Mary, it was intensive substance abuse treatment and connection to Everyone Home DC that allowed her to make lasting change. After getting clean and sober, Mary regained custody of Tracy and learned her family was eligible for housing through Everyone Home DC’s Permanent Supportive Housing program. She signed a lease for an apartment of her own and began receiving supportive services to ensure housing stabilization, maximum
levels of self-sufficiency, and a better quality of life. Everyone Home DC was there to help Mary and Tracy thrive in their new lives.

With stable housing and caring support from Everyone Home DC, Mary and Tracy were able to move beyond the past and focus on their future. Members of their Everyone Home DC support team have served as coordinators and advocates for Mary with landlords, service providers, and school administrators, and as motivators and cheerleaders for Mary and Tracy as they took on new challenges. Mary started attending Everyone Home DC’s parenting classes, finding comfort in the routine, while having a space to address parenting questions and creating meaningful friendships with other mothers in the program. Over the years, she rarely missed a class and grew into a leadership role, reminding her friends when meetings were scheduled and offering suggestions for how the group could evolve. Today, Mary is focused on improving her literacy skills and is looking for a consistent employment or volunteer opportunity.

Children experiencing homelessness tend to score lower on standardized tests and have lower graduation rates. It’s difficult to concentrate in class when you’re worried about your housing or don’t sleep well in shelter, and it’s hard to prepare for tests when you don’t have a home, let alone a quiet room where you can study. This was true for Tracy when she was homeless, but with her new stability in our housing program, Tracy enjoyed going to school and was able to focus on her homework, creating meaningful relationships with her friends, and pursuing her interest in fashion. Along the way, Everyone Home DC was there to help with navigating the education system, and with school enrichment fees, school supplies, and uniform costs. Tracy attended Washington Mathematics Science Technology Public Charter School all four years of high school. She excelled there and even took AP classes. This past spring, Tracy attended the school’s prom and shortly after, graduated from high school!

Thanks to her hard work and your support, Tracy’s story is just beginning. Tracy now has her sights set on attending university. She toured several campuses and has decided to stay in Washington, DC to attend Trinity University in the Spring. Tracy plans to be the first person in her family to graduate from university.

You are a part of Mary and Tracy’s story. Your continued support will make ongoing healing and progress possible for them and families like theirs. Everyone Home DC envisions the District of Columbia as a thriving and diverse community where all people can obtain and remain in safe, affordable, and comfortable homes. In the spirit of the season, please make an urgently needed contribution today. We need YOU to make this vision of opportunity possible. [LINK TO DONATE PAGE]

From the Executive Director’s Desk 2018 in Review

Dear Friend,
As this year comes to a close, I am tired, but it is a good kind of tired because Everyone Home DC accomplished a LOT in 2018! I am so proud of our team, the work we did together, and the path we have charted for the year ahead.

In 2018, we:

  • Articulated a set of core values to guide our work with each other, our clients, and our community and to support the organizational culture that we so highly value.
  • Updated our mission and vision statements to better reflect who we are and the impact we want to have.
  • Developed and began implementing an ambitious new strategic plan.
  • Hired our first full time director of strategic initiatives to lead our development and communications work.
  • Hosted our most profitable, best attended, and fun Sip and Savor yet.
  • Kicked off our 50th anniversary celebration.
  • Initiated a website redesign incorporating a new look and feel that is better aligned with our organizational values and personality.
  • Pushed our city’s leaders to resource our homeless services, housing, and social safety net programs sufficiently, while celebrating the long overdue closure of the DC General Family Shelter in favor of several beautiful, modern, and more comfortable short term family housing facilities.
  • Assisted thousands of individuals experiencing homelessness to meet their basic needs and supported hundreds of families in avoiding or transitioning out of homelessness.

Our smart, skilled, and dedicated staff and board of directors worked hard and so beautifully as a team this year in order to make all of this happen. I am enormously grateful for each of them. The support and encouragement we received from our many donors, volunteers, and community partners–like YOU–were essential to our success.
Your energy, ideas, and compassion for the people we serve inspired us and allowed us to keep driving our work forward all year long. Thank you!

I am now eagerly looking forward to restorative time with my family, friends, and new puppy over the holidays. I can’t wait to come back with renewed energy for the work ahead and to share with you some exciting new things we have in store for 2019. Until then, I wish you a joyful holiday season!

With gratitude,

Karen Cunningham
Everyone Home DC
Executive Director

What if we all gave on one day?

Celebrate Everyone Home DC’s 50th Anniversary with a $50 Donation and Provide An Emergency Package for a Family in Need. Today is #GivingTuesday, an international day of giving that introduces the charitable season. This #GivingTuesday, Everyone Home DC is asking its generous community to support families in crisis by ensuring each new family who walks through our door receives an Emergency Package. Your gift of $50 or more can provide a family with a supply of resources unique to their needs such as food, toiletries, diapers, wipes, formula, air mattresses, and cleaning supplies. Will you be there for the next family in crisis who comes to Everyone Home DC? Families who come to us for help each day are often living temporarily with relatives and friends, moving frequently. They find themselves on the verge of homelessness and are seeking assistance to stabilize their housing. An Emergency Package offers respite, in that moment, as they begin the work with our Family Homelessness Prevention Program team to develop a plan, identify resources, and set goals that will allow them to remain stably housed in their community and connected to their natural systems of support, rather than having to enter the shelter system.


Feeling Thankful

Today on Thanksgiving, we want to express how thankful we are for the communities, partners, volunteers, and donors we have the honor of working with. We continue to be amazed by your extreme generosity, compassion, and dedication. This Thanksgiving holiday, thanks to you, Everyone Home DC provided a wholesome Thanksgiving meal for more than 430 families who would not have otherwise had a special meal today. Your support is what makes our work possible, and together, we are building a more vibrant city for everyone.

From All of Us at Everyone Home DC, Happy Thanksgiving!

A Sip and Savor Celebration

Thank you for celebrating Everyone Home DC’s 50 years of life-changing housing, homelessness prevention, and supportive services!

Everyone Home DC’s 3rd Annual Sip and Savor was an incredible evening of delicious food, free flowing beverages, and good company! The gathering was its most successful yet, with even more sponsors, vendors, volunteers, and patrons coming together in support of Everyone Home DC’s housing, street outreach, homelessness prevention, and supportive services.

Last night, we collectively raised $85,000 with more than 450 registered participants! We were excited to see so many new and old friends and sincerely hope you are inspired to stay engaged with Everyone Home DC by donating your time, talent, or treasure. Your support means our city’s most vulnerable individuals and families have access to safe, affordable, and comfortable homes.


It is the responsibility of each of us to end homelessness is Washington, D.C. and to build the welcoming and inclusive community our founders believed is possible. If you’re interested in taking action today, consider doing one, two, three, or ALL of the following below. We look forward to staying in touch with you!

  • FOLLOW Everyone Home DC on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Be on the lookout, photos on Facebook coming soon!
  • JOIN our Sip and Savor Host Committee and help create an even better 2019 Sip and Savor event.
  • VOLUNTEER at Shirley’s Place (our drop-in day center) or join our Homeless Assistance Response Team (HART).
  • COORDINATE an in-kind donation drive to and collect essential items for our programs and families.

To learn more contact Kate Akalonu at akalonu@everyonehomedc.org.

P.S. Each year, you provide us with post-event feedback that supports us in growing the success of Sip and Savor. Please consider taking this short survey (estimated completion time is 5 minutes) so we can continue in our success. Thank you!

Shirley’s Place Gets a New Look

Every year, more than 1,700 guests come through Everyone Home DC’s Shirley’s Place Day Center to get a bite to eat, do laundry, take a shower, pick up mail, or to simply relax. Our guests’ comfort at Shirley’s Place is our top priority. Thus, when we noticed that the furniture was starting to look and feel worn, we turned to the Capitol Hill Community Foundation for help. We needed funds to upgrade our furniture in order to maintain the friendly, hospitable, and dignified environment that is so important to Everyone Home DC and our guests, and were delighted and grateful when the Capitol Hill Community Foundation answered our call. With a spring grant from the foundation, we were able to purchase a new table and chairs for the kitchen and new furniture for the respite room.

We are thankful for the Capitol Hill Community Foundation’s ongoing support of our work, and are thrilled that they were able to help us make Shirley’s Place the warm and welcoming space that our guests deserve.