Join Everyone Home DC’s Community Connecters


Apply today to become an Everyone Home DC Community Connecter! We are looking for passionate and dedicated volunteers who will work alongside Everyone Home DC to strengthen community-based opportunities and partnerships centered around our mission of supporting the holistic needs of individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

If this sounds like you, check out the full position description here and fill out an application to express interest.

We are so glad you are here and cannot wait to work in partnership with you! 

Your 2023 Annual Report is Here!

Everyone Home DC is proud to present your 2023 Everyone Home DC Annual Report on behalf of our Board of Directors, staff, and the people we work alongside. 

Within these pages, we share your support’s impact in the past year while reflecting on a shared vision for the path ahead. You can view your full 2023 Everyone Home DC Annual Report here

As we look forward, Everyone Home DC remains committed to working alongside our community to center the needs of people at risk of or experiencing homelessness in a just recovery. We cannot do this work without you, and we are grateful for your unwavering support.

Thank you for being a part of this community! 


Won’t You Join Our GoodNeighbor Circle?

As we all continue to settle into 2022, we wanted to invite you to invest monthly in ending homelessness by joining Everyone Home DC’s GoodNeighbor Circle. With your monthly gift, you will join some of Everyone Home DC’s most committed partners dedicated to ending homelessness in the District of Columbia. 

Members of Everyone Home DC’s GoodNeighbor Circle make small, automatic donations each month, which makes it easier for Everyone Home DC to plan long-term, budget more efficiently, and create more life-changing opportunities for individuals and families in our city. You choose how much to give, for how long, and you can change your amount or cancel at any time.

Become a GoodNeighbor with your monthly gift today and ensure all people in our city have access to safe, affordable, and comfortable homes. Yes! I want to become a GoodNeighbor today!


We are GoodNeighbors. We are Everyone Home DC.
GoodNeighbors make a difference every month—all year long— and they provide a strong foundation by building a consistent and reliable source of support for Everyone Home DC. Read why these generous people give—and why you should consider becoming a GoodNeighbor today.


“I participate in the monthly giving program because, as a former employee of a non-profit organization, I know how important it is to be able to depend and budget based on a sustained level of income.  Unexpected gifts are nice, but making and executing budgets requires consistent monthly funding.  Furthermore, monthly donations enable supporters to give more annually than they could otherwise afford.

I specifically support Everyone Home DC because it is doing the difficult hands-on work of helping individuals and families in my neighborhood find and keep safe housing essential for their health and well-being. This is important and necessary work toward our goal of achieving a just and equitable society.” — Lisa



“After moving to DC, we were on a mission to support our community at a local level. We soon found the answer right in our new neighborhood: Everyone Home DC’s Homeless Assistance Response Team (HART). Since getting involved, we have been impressed by Everyone Home DC’s caring and passionate team, who made it easy to feel connected to our now beloved Capitol Hill community. 

When the pandemic began, we could no longer support Everyone Home DC as volunteers and still felt like we wanted to do SOMETHING. That was when we received an email asking for donations and thought, ah yes, this is how we can help. Though small, our first donation introduced us to other wonderful people connected with Everyone Home DC, who made feeling involved in the community possible during a pandemic. Soon after, we became recurring donors for the first time in our lives. We are proud to support an organization whose mission we wholeheartedly believe in that fills us with hope for a stronger, safer, and entirely housed DC.” — Valerie & Adolfo





Everyone Home DC Participates in Annual Point in Time Count

On the cold evening of January 22 and into the early morning hour of January 23, more than 300 volunteers joined members of homeless services organizations from all over the city to perform DC’s annual Point in Time Count (PIT Count).  The Point-in-Time count provides critical data and insights to service providers and policy makers concerning where to focus city and federal dollars in the on-going struggle to prevent and end homelessness.

The rules for how and when the PIT Count is conducted are dictated by HUD. The count is a snapshot of the homeless population that takes place, nationwide, in the last week of January every year. To streamline the process, this year was the first year the PIT Count was conducted by an app instead of paper and pen. To get the evening started, a kickoff event was held at the Columbia Heights Educational Campus, where Mayor Murial Bowser and Councilmember Brianne Nadeau shared remarks of gratitude and encouragement before the teams spread out over the city to begin the count and survey, which is not required. The survey provides the city with valuable demographic information and includes questions about episodes of homelessness, age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and experience with domestic violence.  

From 10 pm to 2am, Everyone Home DC lead a team of 12 people, canvassing Capitol Hill streets, sidewalks, buildings, bridges, and back alleyways looking for our homeless neighbors, many of whom have no choice but to live in our public spaces. With the city’s hypothermia alert activated, our PIT team counted a handful of people sleeping outside. View photos from the evening on Everyone Home DC’s Facebook page.

Everyone Home DC is grateful to our staff, our industry colleagues, and everyone who shared their time in this important moment to ensure the count’s success. We look forward to reviewing and sharing the regional analysis, that typically comes out in May, by the Metropolitan Council of Governments

Additional Articles and Resources:


DC Summers are Hot. Here is How You can Help.

The heat is on! Everyone Home DC’s Street Outreach Team and Day Center, Shirley’s Place, have kicked into high gear to support our neighbors living outside in vulnerable situations. We often think of winter as the most dangerous time for people experiencing homelessness, AND the summer months can also be deadly for those who live outside. 

Every year, the District creates a Heat Emergency Plan to help keep everyone in our city safe during the hottest summer days. When the temperature or heat index reaches 95 degrees Fahrenheit, the city activates a Heat Emergency which triggers the opening of cooling centers. In addition, shelter transport vans will circulate to conduct safety checks, distribute water, and provide transportation to the cooling centers. 

Want to help? Here are a few ways to support our neighbors experiencing homelessness during the extreme heat: 

  1. Be aware of signs and symptoms of heat related illness like goosebumps, dizziness, heavy sweating, vomiting, faintness, loss of consciousness, or inappropriate dress for hot weather.
  2. When in doubt, call 911. If you are concerned that a person is experiencing symptoms of heat stroke (e.g. loss of consciousness, lack of sweat), call 911 and take direction from the dispatcher. 
  3. Save the number to the Shelter Hotline (202-320-7702) in your phone and call and ask for a safety check if you are concerned about someone on the street. 
  4. Purchase a bottle of water or a sports drink for a person experiencing homelessness. Staying hydrated helps prevent heat-related illness. 
  5. Sign up to receive alerts from AlertDC so you know when a Heat Emergency is activated. 
  6. Support Everyone Home DC by purchasing items off of our Amazon Wish List. We can never have enough undershirts, socks and underwear during summer. 
  7. Sign up to volunteer with Everyone Home DC’s Homeless Assistance Response Team. 

Please share this information with your friends, family, colleagues, and social networks as an easy way to make a difference in the lives of individuals who find themselves in extremely vulnerable situations. Thank you!

Image of Maya pulling green HART wagon with text "Make This Wish Come True"

Make a Birthday Wish Come True!

Support a birthday wish—to raise critical funds for individuals staying outside—in coming true!

Kate and Maya are new friends to Everyone Home DC. And within the last year, they have been so touched and inspired by Everyone Home DC’s vision of our city as a thriving and diverse community where all people can obtain and remain in safe, affordable, and comfortable homes that they decided to dedicate their shared June birthday month to raising critical funds for Everyone Home DC.


Kate started working for Everyone Home DC last August as our Director of Strategic Initiatives, bringing more than 10 years of nonprofit leadership and experience to our organization. Alongside Everyone Home DC’s dedicated staff, she is responsible for building the organization’s visibility, impact, and financial resources. Her oldest child, Maya, is nearing completion of the third grade and is Kate’s loudest cheerleader and a committed Everyone Home DC ambassador. Additionally, Maya is a concerned DC citizen when it comes to homelessness, affordable housing, and food insecurity. Maya most recently wrote her 3rd grade opinion piece writing project on homelessness and deployed with Everyone Home DC’s volunteer outreach program, HART. She is anxious to deploy again. 

Kate & Maya Ask YOU to Support Their Birthday Wish!

Their birthday wish fundraising goal is small, yet meaningful. Combining their ages (Kate turned 40 on June 1 and Maya is turning 9 on June 29) and adding a zero, they are hoping to raise $490 in support of Everyone Home DC’s Street Outreach program. A program that provides critical and life-saving support to individuals staying outside AND is entirely funded by the generosity of donors like YOU. 

We encourage you to visit their fundraising page, read their story, watch their videos, and help make their birthday wish come true by making a donation today!

INTERESTED IN STARTING YOUR OWN BIRTHDAY FUNDRAISER? You can easily get started by visiting Everyone Home DC’s Mightycause page and selecting the “Fundraise” button right under our logo and name. Then follow the prompts and within minutes, you can share your Everyone Home DC story and goal with your friends and family. If you have any questions or need any support, email Kate at

Deloitte Impact Day Visits Everyone Home DC

On Friday, June 7, Deloitte partnered with Everyone Home DC through its annual day of service–Impact Day. 15 volunteers arrived first thing in the morning, kicking off their service by learning about Everyone Home DC’s programs and community impact, followed by their impact project of beautifying four conference rooms at Everyone Home DC’s headquarters. These rooms are most frequently used to welcome families working with Everyone Home DC’s Family Homelessness Prevention Program. Deloitte provided the materials for the project, including four different paint colors that aligned with our new color palette to create stunning accent walls in each room.

Enjoy photos from the productive day on Everyone Home DC’s Facebook page.